Garden Container Weed Covers

While the capability of the FarmDaddy® to be completely self watering planters is one of the best features, the weed cover for your garden box is going to add even more value. In addition to keeping unwanted weeds and pests out, the weed cover also helps maintain proper hydration levels for your plants, keeps nutrients from fertilizers for getting washed away by rain, and protects from harsh sunlight.
These weed covers do so much for your plants:
Keeps out rain out to prevent critical nutrients from being washed away
Conserves water by preventing evaporation
Keeps out invasive weeds
Keeps out insects that might otherwise damage your plantsOne side of the weed cover is black and can have the black side facing out to help attract heat and sunlight, or be flipped so the white side is up to deter sunlight and heat if it is too hot or the sunlight is too harsh.
These weed covers do so much for your plants:
Keeps out rain out to prevent critical nutrients from being washed away
Conserves water by preventing evaporation
Keeps out invasive weeds
Keeps out insects that might otherwise damage your plantsOne side of the weed cover is black and can have the black side facing out to help attract heat and sunlight, or be flipped so the white side is up to deter sunlight and heat if it is too hot or the sunlight is too harsh.
While the capability of the FarmDaddy® to be completely self watering planters is one of the best features, the weed cover for your garden box is going to add even more value. In addition to keeping unwanted weeds and pests out, the weed cover also helps maintain proper hydration levels for your plants, keeps nutrients from fertilizers for getting washed away by rain, and protects from harsh sunlight.
These weed covers do so much for your plants:
Keeps out rain out to prevent critical nutrients from being washed away
Conserves water by preventing evaporation
Keeps out invasive weeds
Keeps out insects that might otherwise damage your plantsOne side of the weed cover is black and can have the black side facing out to help attract heat and sunlight, or be flipped so the white side is up to deter sunlight and heat if it is too hot or the sunlight is too harsh.
These weed covers do so much for your plants:
Keeps out rain out to prevent critical nutrients from being washed away
Conserves water by preventing evaporation
Keeps out invasive weeds
Keeps out insects that might otherwise damage your plantsOne side of the weed cover is black and can have the black side facing out to help attract heat and sunlight, or be flipped so the white side is up to deter sunlight and heat if it is too hot or the sunlight is too harsh.
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FarmDaddy FAQs

What Can You Grow in Your FarmDaddy?
Virtually anything can be grown in a FarmDaddy® self-watering raised bed gardening system!
Grow your own vegetables, herbs, fruit, perennials, flowers, wheatgrass, and root crops.
Tomatoes do exceptionally well.